Glass fiber and products in July 2023

Glass fiber and products in July 2023

Aug 29, 2023

Monthly exports achieved positive year-on-year growth


From January to July 2023, the cumulative export volume of fiberglass and its products in China was 1.1212 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 9.32%; The cumulative export amount was 1.743 billion US dollars, a year-on-year decrease of 23.09%; The average export price for the first six months was 1554.92 US dollars per ton, a year-on-year decrease of 15.18%.


The export volume of fiberglass and products in July was 162,900 tons, a decrease of 3.33% compared to the previous month, but a year-on-year increase of 2.8%, marking the first positive increase in exports in a single month for the year; The export amount was 240 million US dollars, a decrease of 3.43% month on month; The average export price is 1471.79 US dollars per ton, a decrease of 0.10% month on month.


Although the export volume of fiberglass and its products in China decreased slightly month on month in July, it showed a positive growth for the first time year-on-year. After entering the second quarter, the export volume gradually stabilized.


In the industrial environment with insufficient demand in the terminal market and fierce competition, and intensified horizontal competition, enterprises should promote high-quality development through differentiated development and innovation, and gradually form their own competitive advantages.



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